NYS HIMSS Represents in the Official HIMSS blog!
As a recently joined HIMSS NYS Chapter member, Sean Erreger is proud to share that he was able to write a guest post for the Official HIMSS blog. This year, Sean will be attending HIMSS18 as a social media ambassador (find out more about that program here: http://www.himssconference.org/updates/introducing-himss18-social-media-ambassadors-and-their-mission-accelerate-innovation ).
Sean will be covering work in the mental health/addictions areas and his blog concerns his thoughts and questions about Health IT's role in the areas. Sean would love to hear feedback and amplify the work/HIMSS presentations done in these area's across NY. http://www.himssconference.org/updates/let-s-talk-about-mental-health-and-addictions-himss18
For more information, please email NYS HIMSS Chapter member Sean Erreger at stuckonsw@gmail.com.